On the bottle: A fruity and zesty wine with typical Sauvignon Blanc character
In my mouth: A grassy note with the very lightest hint of grape.
Verdict: This German wine is an everyday drinking, singing wine that hits the right spot if you like your wine crisp and dry. Markus Smith, also of Middle Earth Fame, will find this to be a good wine to accompany his Rump, Salad and Chips. The Musmeads and Middle Smith might have the opinion that this is one step too far, when it comes to the relative dryness of a Sauvignon Blanc. Fear not as the next wine is a Kumala Colombard Chardonnay, this is featured in my next blog.
Winemakers on the Budavar Estate should take into account that those Middle Earth Dwellers, who stay down under, will not have heard of this wine, a marketing opportunity exists, as those Under Dickens are slowly becoming a force to be reckoned with. There is now 3 of them as opposed to 2 a year ago.
Michael has finally finished formal schooling and has had the customary shirt signing and fond farewells, until next week when they all start writing exams, play time over now, serious studying to be done.
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