I have been a little tardy in my blogging of late, gone the days when I knocked out one a day and felt that was not enough. August has crept up with indecent haste catching me idle, but that will change, hopefully.
My song of the week for Sunday evening was Belfast Child by Simple Minds. Find it on You Tube and you will understand what I mean when I say that it should be one of the classic songs of the century. A haunting melody from the troubles of Northern Ireland. Susan choose, House of the rising sun by The Animals, Michael choose, Bat out of Hell by Meatloaf and Robert choose a very good song, with loads of good lyrics and excellent guitar solo, but for the life of me I can not remember the name of the band. Maybe Robert will leave a comment.
Talking of time going by, my thoughts return to The Matriarch, never to see the August flowers blooming and the tomatoes heavy with the weight of fruit. A month she has gone and still she waits to say goodbye.
Rain or the lack of it takes over most conversation here at the moment, our lawns are dry and brown, cricket pitches fast in the outfield, this looks to be a long, dry summer and it was only last month or was it the month before, when the trusted weather man predicted a wet July, with flood threats. I do cry inside when the rains stay away, too many months farming brings that hollow sensation whenever I see dying grass and low streams. Nature has some cruel twists but I suppose it is all about a balance. Hard to accept the low times and too easy to forget the times of abundance.
As the Belfast Child said...
One day we’ll return, when the Belfast child sings again.
My song of the week for Sunday evening was Belfast Child by Simple Minds. Find it on You Tube and you will understand what I mean when I say that it should be one of the classic songs of the century. A haunting melody from the troubles of Northern Ireland. Susan choose, House of the rising sun by The Animals, Michael choose, Bat out of Hell by Meatloaf and Robert choose a very good song, with loads of good lyrics and excellent guitar solo, but for the life of me I can not remember the name of the band. Maybe Robert will leave a comment.
Talking of time going by, my thoughts return to The Matriarch, never to see the August flowers blooming and the tomatoes heavy with the weight of fruit. A month she has gone and still she waits to say goodbye.
Rain or the lack of it takes over most conversation here at the moment, our lawns are dry and brown, cricket pitches fast in the outfield, this looks to be a long, dry summer and it was only last month or was it the month before, when the trusted weather man predicted a wet July, with flood threats. I do cry inside when the rains stay away, too many months farming brings that hollow sensation whenever I see dying grass and low streams. Nature has some cruel twists but I suppose it is all about a balance. Hard to accept the low times and too easy to forget the times of abundance.
As the Belfast Child said...
One day we’ll return, when the Belfast child sings again.
That's my cutie little girl. Isn't she just so gorgeous?!!! X