Colour: Green
Smell: New
Taste: No I am not tasting a brand new harvester
Verdict: Just the type of vehicle to impress, no wow, Memma from Musmead Manor.
Memma is Chief Judge for the small animal section of the Dorset Agricultural Show, Memma follows in the long tradition of Judges from Musmead Manor. I will have photos of this occasion soon and will share them with you. Memma, we all wish you sound judgement and fairness of heart. May the best sheep win?
What a week! Almost bought a new laptop but was warned off by the mighty Merlin. Orders came in at a rate of knots and Michael packed valiantly to allow me time to work on a visual website for the Middle Smiths and Co. Underdickens travelled from Ozdale to Southdale, a journey not dreamed of 10 years ago but now taken on a daily basis. The wee Lily Florence has shown her displeasure at all this jet lag but is finally forgiving Angela and Matthew for subjecting her to this arduous ordeal. Maybe she needs a brand new harvester and she can give the keys to Dad.
England has not done too well against Pakistan and tomorrow will see Pakistan win by a reasonable margin, just like they did against Australia. The Ashes are fast approaching and we all look forward to this unique contest, Mother England against the Australian Colony, playing the game of cricket, more than just a game.
I have brought the boys to golf lessons and the day is A typical of the UK. Overcast, wet and windy. As I look out through the wet windscreen of the car all I see is one determined golfer practising from the practise tees. Balls disappear in the low cloudy, mist range giving the appearance that the clouds are swallowing his golf balls. Has he sliced it, good shot or a hook? I can not see and nor can he. My advice, if asked, is go home and have a cup of coffee, crazy golfers!!
Merlin has woken with energy, drive and determination to get all those jobs she has been putting off for the last month. Typing up a Rent agreement for 12 Fleet Street, Citizenship documents filled in, tiding up the house and shopping for the week ahead. Hopefully she will have run out of steam by the time we get home or we will be roped in to washing, shopping or filling in. Exciting times we find ourselves in this Saturday morning.
Have a good weekend.
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