Dance like no one is watching you, sing like no one is listening and love like you have never been hurt before. That is what a weekend is all about, freedom and the anticipation of good fun.
My fun starts here, the letting go of all those words and phrases I have kept in my head all week. The odd scraps of paper containing key words of things I thought of and have no time to expand on, litter my car, wallet and desk. All those thoughts now have their time.
Very much like dancing like no one is watching you, that letting go, allowing yourself the time to be, creative or not, we all need this time and must never feel selfish taking it, we are better people for it.
Over the last week I have spent time at a camping site on Longthorns Farm. Mostly account and a little programming but just the location gives me that sense of being on holiday. I have two more weeks left and will take the Woodlands walk, watch the Alpacas and laugh at the campers.
Middle Earth has just acquired a small herd of Alpacas, more for the wool than anything else. They look like dwarf camels wearing leggings. Very domesticated and the young are as appealing as lambs with out the bleating. As you can no doubt see, I have included a photograph of a female and her calf (not sure what one calls a baby Alpaca – maybe Mally or Mus from Musmead Manor can enlighten all of Middle Earth in a comment). News is sporadic to say the least in Middle Earth, the Under Dickens and Middle Smith are well. Markus Smith is getting on with the noble art of Stock making and Merlin is on holiday for a week. The Cookydales have in counted the biggest sand due in Europe, climbed it and now are taking 3 days to recover.
Just a short note to the Cookydales while I have your attention, Safcon is doing well and is now part of the Middle Earth family, has long protracted games with Sam, he instigates most of them, flower pots scatter and chairs get bowled over but the game continues until exhausted they settle down until next time.
Fess from the famous Faydales has promised to plot the Middle Earth family tree, attached to a map of Middle Earth showing the roads, tracks and houses. We are all so wrapped up in our day to day living we forget that some are close and may need a visit or letter just to let them know that others are thinking of them. Often, late at night, just before drifting off to sleep we remember that call we promised to make, that email not sent. This map and family tree will bring us all together as we add comments to our section, update the history of our ancestors and flag a birthday party coming up.
Birthday coming up this week is Robert – 12th August. He tends to have one every year on the 12th, a creature of habit.
Just to end, 'Carry that way' by the Beatles album 'Golden Slumbers' is well worth a listen. Have a good weekend, weather permitting we will BBQ on Sunday evening.
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