I have always believed that a blog should not be written on an empty stomach; with that in mind I have had a half a bottle of wine before starting this blog. Hardy's Chardonnay Reserve Bin 53 to be exact.
I am attempting to make the perfect pasta, no pressure but it must be tried and I am the man to do it. I have started with left over roast chicken, newly bought flat brown mushrooms and smoked back bacon. Adding a touch of garlic, spring onion and basil, gentle browned in a huge dash of olive oil. I now have my base but how to bring out the flavours without breaking the bank. Soft cream cheese and a cup of parmesan in a white sauce with salt and pepper. There you have it. Taglitelle cooked for 9 minutes and gentle tossed over the pasta. You can try this at home but get your mummy or daddy to help, lets not burn ourselves, you are mum's little darling after all and you do stop us having our time. What is that? It has been so long I will have to Google it and get up to speed.
I do not know if you remember but I left a blog on a bit of a cliff hanger a while ago. Gary and Claudia of Middle Smiths came to visit. Claudia formally of the Claudosa era and now fat. She said it and I am only quoting her exact statement. The rest of the world sees this beautiful whisper of a lady but the woman in her sees fat!! Stay the way you are, we all love you dearly for it. Also an Audi Q5 needs a bit of muscle to negotiate the Sandton pavements.
As can be seen from the photograph, Claudia managed to acquire an Archary set for Daniel after seeing the Cupid statues in the Italian Gardens of Compton Acres. No I will not publish the photographs, but Gary of Middle Smiths has kindly offered to send them to me again for editing and will be available shortly. We get to the next bit as it were in the next blog or two. Pasta is ready but where is the family to eat it. Sleep well all and you too Travis of Markus Smith.
That Q5... little Ashley (from next door) dared to leave her scooter in our driveway...well one little scooter against a fiery italian in a dashing black Q5...pure unadulterated destruction. (we're going to have to a put a rating on this site soon, last blog involved porn)