Boxing Day is like living a bit of a dream, all the presents are still new and mostly unexplored and we have a day to revel in our glory. Not so here in the UK, or by all accounts Australia, some of us make for the after Christmas sales. Half price, Massive reduction, up to 70% off, are just some of the posters and adverts displayed on the internet, in the papers and on shop windows. I have spent enough and welcomed the peace and quiet of Boxing Day at home.
Road kill, left over roast potatoes, Panetone, Stilton, NZ Colombard, Roast Gammon and very good company at the Cookydales saw a pleasant end to our Boxing Day.
Pamagor has been seen at Top Shop and The house of Frasier with an arm full of shopping bags. The cameras do not lie as you can see from this typical Pamagor outfit.
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