The weather turns chilly

Our trusted weather bureau has forecast a cold weekend ahead of us, rain, wind and misery. This is Christmas and we all expect cold, we want snow and would not be the same without that bitingly harsh wind, numbing our cheeks.

We are moving ever nearer to that magic day of December the 25th, Christmas day and the joy of giving. What we give is important, to us and hopefully to those receiving our humble gifts. My search for gifts starts tomorrow, and must end by Monday as those I love live too far away, for last minute shopping. Susan and the boys are on holiday from Monday until the after New Year, although Susan will be going in between Christmas and New Year. I will be at my station, doing as much as I feel is needed, keeping to the festive spirit and wondering what this Christmas holds in stall for everyone.

News from Middle Earth is that Lily Florence is taking on the added responsibility of doing lifeguard duty, as can be seen from the attached photo. Most commendable. I must take Sam for a walk and it has started snowing again so must dash before it gets too heavy.
