Tomorrow we all go back to work/school and about time I say. I would like to just quote this line from Epictetus (135 AD) which is still so relevant in this modern world.
'We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.'
Talking of our modern world, with its electronic wizardry, I remember my first sheet of copy paper; it kept me busy for hours, what an invention. When you print off duplicate copies of a document again, remember those pioneer days.
Poole has the most appalling broadband speed in the whole of Dorset. If you not on cable, as I am, you can expect no better than 4.19 Mb as opposed to Bournemouth with 8.8 Mb. What is the world coming too, I have 18 Mb and sometimes have to wait, how they survive on 4 Mb really astounds me. Maybe you can check you speed and let me know, it would be interesting to see the different speeds throughout.
Susan's company have just bought up half of the theme parks and wildlife centres in Australia, including that tower we saw setting off the New Years Fireworks display. Sidney Tower and Sky walk, higher than the Eiffel Tower. Of interest to Angela is the Hamilton Island Koala Gallery, now owned by Merlin. So if you want free tickets just place your comment and I will see if we can accommodate you.
Mags took back her Christmas presents that Feter and family gave her and dumped them on Feter's front door, they must have been truly horrendous to provoke such a reaction. Feter did remark that he had been brought up to receive gifts graciously; maybe up in the extremes of Scotland they see it differently. We gave her a bird feeder and one pack of birdseed and as of this minute we have not had that back. Oh well if we do I have always fancied a birdfeeder in the garden, helping the birds in this coldest December since 1905. I really feel for those small robins, how do they keep warm when all about them is frozen? Maybe I should ask for it back, only if she is not using it, poor blue tits are not as perky as usual.
Any news from Middle Earth??
My speed is fast 185km/h..
ReplyDeletei thought speed was something you took when you where feeling down or up...