Pamagor sends Fresh greetings to Ozdale

Ozdale Floods - News
With the prospect of a crocodile or deadly snake visiting, people of Ozdale are warned to not open their doors to strangers. Keep away from dodgy water and lookout for the Fresh greetings sent from Middle Earth. We have to admire the Ozdale community for their steadfast optimism and courage in the face of such overwhelming odds. I have tried, unsuccessfully to contact the Underdickens but due to severe flooding they seem to be a little under the weather at the minute but I am sure will reply once they have dried off. Just remember you have a home in Winterdale if you need it. Keppel is also welcome, Labradors love water but draw the line at sharing their water with crocodiles, they can be such bad tempered creatures and they have a problem with their dental hygiene, a little reminiscent of the hyena.

The Ashes – News
Do we really want to go there – no. Ozdale have a very serious natural disaster going on, we leave it at that.

In closing think on those car owners in the UK who are now paying £1.30 per litre for fuel. In anyone's currency that is a lot of money. Gussell from Georgedale have ascertained his speed is good, broadband speed that is. I so like his exactitude.


  1. Careful who you calling "broadband"... i am just the person with the fuller figure in the family...


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