Middle Earth played host to a lone piper, piping his lament and it brought back bitter sweet memories of a beach we all knew and loved. A beach Granny June always said was her home. A beach where Baxter took his first dive as a 8 week old puppy. We had just picked him up and decided to introduce him to the sea, a place where he visited twice a day before we moved to England. Susan wanted to have a quick dip in the tidal pool and I was watching Baxter B Jones. In that instant I took my eye off him he dived in after Susan. This natural instinct to rescue anyone he loved from drowning stayed with him all his life. Leaving many an arm or head bitten and bleeding. What a dog, what a hero. If I ever have the opportunity I would like to get a lone piper to play a lament at that beach, not only for Baxter, but Jess, Mark, Gary, Angela and not forgetting Granny June. Orange Rocks beach will live with us forever, many a grand child will be told the story of an amazing dog and my truly amazing family.
Tonight we have roast leg of Lamb, roasted potatoes and carrots with a very creamy cauliflower, broccoli and cheese sauce. This will be followed by the most amazing Victoria sponge, risen and chilled. Al I need now is a glass of wine and a good story, that way I am not left out.
What a dog! What a beach! Remember them swimming out to us at backline