Angela of Dicasmithi which is closer to Kingdom Of Paramithi because the Kingdom of Parasmithi also has red cars, Claudia of Middle Smiths formally of the Claudosa era, Mika of Middle Smiths, Lily Florence of Dicasmithi which is closer to Kingdom Of Paramithi because the Kingdom of Parasmithi also has red cars, are all the girls I am allowed to love before Merlin beats me. I know it is not the boy thing to love girls but I do, most I contributed to their very existence. Claudia, brave girl, joined our family and hopefully has never regretted a day in this magically world of Middle Earth. Girl's life is one of those special gifts, like a box of chocolate, full of dreams. I hope you all are happy bunnies, forget for a moment the parents, brothers, grandparents, uncles and dancing teachers, think on the life you have before you and how you will take such delight in conquering it. I love you all.
Has anyone heard from Gussell of Georgedale, Pamagor has also gone a missing?? No, they could not be together! Two handsome, fine studs exploring life. Gussell dresses so manly, down to the levis and boxers while Pamagor makes so many dress statements I lose track. I refuse to believe that Gussell would take off for a romantic weekend with Pamagor. Pamagor is persona non grata in Dicasmithi, after the Gold Coast Meter Girls debacle and Gussell did close the only Deli on Georgedale? Maybe they have eloped!!! Tony of Thorndale will be upset. Tony has just moved into Thorndale and is rearing battery pigs for salami. Fine gentleman, that he is.
With this frightening news I hope you enjoy your Bank Holiday Weekend.
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