
Rugby World Cup, England beat Argentina but they should have lost on the way they played, some of the rest went to plan but then South Africa won by a whisker and should not have. The ways of the World cup brings out the strong and those who have the experience.

Formula 1 - Vettal wins but a win I would say for Alonso against a superior Red Bull and McLaren, the Italian fans wanted a podium for Ferrari and that is what Alonso gave them. Great drive by Button and Michael Schumacher.

Cricket - England have won the 20 twenty and the Test series but India snuff victory and then the rain comes down, as it is want to do in England. Indiana Youens has been known to take his coat off then put it on again, getting to be known as 'Coat off, coat on'.

The autumn is here, loads of rain over the last few days and the gale force winds have made some of the nation grumpy.

Read a good joke the other day;

eBay sale, Complete set of Encylopeadia Britanica - worth £200 for sale. Got married and wife knows everything.
