It is the first of October and we have woken to a heat wave. Sounds amazing but when you think of the time of the year it changes everything.
Heating has to be turned off, summer clothes have to be retrieved from the attic and the lawn will need cutting, again, half of London is down so the roads are back to summer traffic and the beach is wall to wall bodies, naturally white but turning progressively pink. I complain on.
Gary and Indiana have just returned from a trip to darkest Africa, Kinshasa to be exact. Gary being walked through how to bribe a customs officer by the customs officer and all because he was not wearing his pith hat and linen suit? Stayed in a marvellous hotel over looking the Congo river, which I was reliable informed is 30 miles wide in places, and is reminiscent of a room with a sea view. Hopefully we will get an account of what opportunities he saw?
Angela did send some great photos of their trip to the snow and Canberra. The photo of Lily standing with a kid goat, or was it a lamb next to her reminds me of the Queen, HRH not Freddy. Maybe it is just Angela preparing her for her coming out ball one day. Or is it schooling to move into society?
Susan is at the beach and the boys are playing golf so I better take Samuel Baxter B Jones of Dorset II for a walk before he bits the iPad. Take care and have a good weekend.
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