BT and Virgin are in a competition to deliver 120 mb broadband service by the end of 2012. We currently get 18mb so I would say they have a long way to go, my fellow BT users enjoy a staggering 7.5mb, poor souls but then that will download a normal music album in under 20 seconds and a full length film in 11 minutes.
Enough of this waffle, fact are only interesting for so long, after that I get bored.
Our winter weather is finally getting to us, we ran in a mild breeze coming off an air temp of 1.5 deg C, now that is what I call devotion to this temple of a body. I must say that it was a beautiful morning, sun coming through the clouds and bright blue skies framing the cold cloud. There were some dark, foreboding weather creeping over the Purbecks.
You will be pleases to know that Michael has been accepted at Bath University and at the University of Bristol, both he is happy with and will get to make his final decision nearer the time. Robert is cruising towards a number of A's and A+'s, trying to be top of the year is bringing out the competitive spirit in him.
I really miss the squirrel, I do believe it is just to cold for such a small animal, although part of the big 5.
The radio is playing Life on Mars by David Bowe who has just turned 65, well that crept up rather quickly. I do feel my three score years have past at a more gentle pace but seem to be speeding up a little. The old saying 3 score years and ten is your allotted time on earth, not sure about Mars, so I have ten fast travelling years to tame. What to do? Where to start? Maybe sit down and relax, I might need the energy soon. Talking of energy needed there is a joke about a old retired couple and the wife shouts down from the bedroom, up some steep stairs.
"Come up stairs and make love to me now."
The husband trying to manage her expectation says. " You realise it will have to be one or the other."
Time to end, the temperature in the car is now 3 deg C and Robert has finished his golf, enjoy the sun where ever you are.
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