Formula One is back and the McLaren seem to be showing early season pace, Ross Brawn's car are not that shabby and the Lotus shows great improvement. Ferrari need to put in the hours and get rid of Massa. All in all a interesting season ahead of us and then it will be Christmas.
I am doing website for a beauty salon and it never ceases to amaze me to see what lengths some people will go to, all to feel more attractive. The places woman will allow someone to put hot wax to remove their hair frightens the pants off me. One drop 5 mm off the mark could lead to eye watering agony, ouch! Nails also seem extreme and very long, not to mention the false eyelashes. I will send you the URL when complete.
Talking of web work, I am updating Joburgsetco and using some new technology that is iPad, iPhone friendly. There is a little squabble going on between Apple and Adobe, with Google putting its two pence in as well. The long and short of it all is that an iPad will not play a flash file and Googles search robot is not finding a Flash pages either. Along comes Query and Sprey, doing away with flash files but still creating the illusion of animation. The big gain is that the files are smaller, so load faster and always work, I love them.
Just done a small job for the launch for the new BMW 3 Series in South Africa. Again it is a little weird to be doing the launch of a car that has been around for us in the UK for some months now. Anyway the new car is getting loads of interest, almost as much as the Audi A1 launch.
Hope you are all well and remember, comments are still welcome, thanks Ang. I have attached an article I came across from the London Metro Newspaper.
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