The quirks of the kitchen
To the sounds of Waterloo by Abba on the Graham Norton show
I contemplate those oddities of the kitchen. Normally I just cook without
really reading the instructions but recently I glanced at the cooking
instructions on a packet of pasta. Place in boiling water with a pinch of salt,
cook for 10 to 12 minutes, shorter cooking time will give an Al Denta (Firm to
the mouth) pasta. Interesting, definitely give a 'Firm to the mouth' feel if
that is rump steak. Pasta the longer you cook it the softer it gets, streak the
shorter the time cooked the softer it is. This is a good basic rule to follow
for younger cooks, like Michael going to Uni soon. All meats and fish the
shorter it is cooked the softer and more flavour it has and those carbohydrates
need to be cooked longer for that 'Soft to the mouth' feel.
Gary of Middlesmiths has just bought a BMW 5 series and
Robert has been watching out for them on the road. Today he revealed his
' I have never seen anyone under the age of 70 driving one
yet, don't get me wrong, I think they are amazing cars.' well Robert I suppose it is the price of a 5 series that
puts the younger generation off. Not to get too down hearted Gary, he wants to
be the first young person to drive one.
Summer time and the sun is
shining, Merlin is at the beach hut and I will be cleaning out the Weber in
anticipation of the first BBQ of the year. That smell of Hotties bubbling on the
coals, sizzle of sausage and burger patties and the slow rolling of a rolled
beef, well done on the outside and very pink in the middle. All accompanied by
a cold Chardonnay and hopefully no wind. Tonight's the night.
Do you follow the Eurovisions
song contest? Yes, no. Well this year the favourite song is by the Singing
Grannies From Russia. Our entry is by Engeburg Humperdinck, singing a
love song, not too sure of the title but being from the UK we will come
Other news is that the Greeks
do not want to pay their debts so will be thrown out of the EU. Go for it I
say, it is all the fault of the banks who are still making millions and want us
to pay their debts off while giving eye watering bonus's to the Directors. Bob
Diamond, Barclays, £16m last year!
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