Life is sometimes...

Life is sometimes a benediction, but it is more often than not a journey. Our enchanted moment help us to change course and sometimes sends us off in search of our dreams. Yes, we are going to struggle, we will fall and we will experience many disappointments – but all of this is momentary, it leaves no permanent scar. One day we will look back with satisfaction, at the journey we have taken.
There is only one thing greater than being alive and that is love. I’m going to fight for love. There are some things in life that are worth fighting for to the end.
As the day grow shorter and the nights colder, I feel more at one with my writing and have neglected my blogs. I am happy to say my book is progressing well, it has been a long journey of waking in the night and writing the next section in my head before I sleep again. Funny thing, as I get older I forget something’s but where I left off I never forget.
Now for the news, I have started a story of my life when I started farming. It starts in those heady days at a farm in the Orange Free State near Bethlehem. The plan is to finish a section and then blog it and await your proof reading/critic. To set you in the mood, think of Russell with shoulder length hair ploughing through the night, dust coated and red eyed, he ploughed for a straight 19 hours. As I said heady days.
This journey will take you through violent thunder storms only the Free State can bring, the humidity of Natal and rain. Life changing drought and Violet, a awarding winning cow who followed me around.
Enjoy your weekend and if you remember anything from your past and want to remind me, please do.


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