We have now got the Marvellous Marvel Monopoly, not for the purists of Monopoly players but still loads of fun as can be seen from the photo. Mika aced it and Dan loved it, Gary and Michael were being thrashed. Oh well it just play money.
Giving in its purest form expects nothing in return. So I suggest you all give me a bottle of Fine Red Wine because In vino veritas, Latin for “in wine [there is the] truth". The Jews say "Wine enters, secrets exit". In all that there is also truth but just to finish my support for wine donations, there is a intriguing note to wine, made from lush, ripe grapes and then carefully fermented and put aside for all those flavours to mingle. I have just the right palate to enjoy the nectar of the Wine Gods.
I will leave you with this bit of insight to a wonderful designer, James Victore:
"I do all my sketching on paper, and not
in the studio. I’ll go to a bar or a restaurant. When I did my book, I left the
studio every morning and I went to the park and sat for an hour, hour and half.
I brought an idea, and I wrote longhand in one of these big sketchbooks. Then I
would come into the studio and work during the day. Afterwards, at 4 or 5
o’clock, I’d go to my bar, sit with a beer or two, and refine it. Or write on a
new idea. So it became this really nice process of every day. And it became a
I can’t do the think-work in the studio.
The studio’s for putting stuff together – for work-work. And if we’re not doing
work-work, then we leave. How many great architecture ideas have been drawn on
napkins? Because they’re free, they’re not thinking about work."
As you have said, you need to take time to do nothing!