Day 8 and 9

Have you guys heard of AG Bell, seems quite a clever guy. Pamagor popped in for a cup of coffee and a catchup this morning, yes I have not heard from him in ages but he did comment a few times on my blog. It all started with him saying, ' Please excuse me but Alex is ringing.' 
When he had finished his rather short call to some Indian call centre, heavens the language. I asked him why he called his iPhone "Alex"?
'After that  A G Bell guy.' he answered. 
It seems that in 1876, Alexander Graham Bell patented his first telephone. That I did not know. Seems like yesterday we were still ringing the exchange.
For Angela and Russell's benefit: Pamagor was wearing a tailored soft blue stripped shirt and flared Levi's with JCB casual boots and a floral pink scarf. Very similar to what Gary and Michael would wear when flying to Sochi. 
Talking of Russell, he is getting unfairly picked out by the judges, this is what he wrote in the comments yesterday. 
"I have just planted 8 tomato plants and 6 kale 3 portions of watermelon and fruit had pineapple pieces on my pizza...... I am way ahead....judges are giving me a raw deal :)"
I do wonder about that boy, planting tomatoes in the autumn? 
Saturday I was quite naughty and had Avo as my fruit and yesterday (Sunday) I had cucumber. To make up for that indiscretion I did plant some pea seeds on Saturday and yesterday I splashed out and bought 2 Hyacinths. Beautiful plants, with sweet perfumed scent.
Today alas I have planted french beans and my fruit of the day was pineapple pieces. All images are attached and also the progress of the tomatoes which have surfaced in the conservatory. happy Challenging.
