Stellars Sea Eagle

Giving in its purest form expects nothing in return.
Susan spent some time at Warwick Castle in her travels with Merlin and came upon a Stellars Sea Eagle in the grounds of the Castle. It did look a little hungry so a baby chicken was just the treat it would appreciate. What an incredible bird, weighs 18 kilograms. I do see a glimmer of panic in her smile but all went well and the bird is now part of the attraction at Warwick Castle.
Incidentally they also stayed in tents for the night, called Glamping as you can see from the lush interior of those humble tents and a very reasonable overnight price of about £ 250.00. That does included breakfast.
So in saying 'Giving in its purest form expects nothing in return' Susan got to feed the bird and hold it, that is something.


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