With the end of the Le Mans and Roberts finally finishing his A levels we are in the lumber of post real racing and another body around the house with very little direction. That was an amazing race, Audi 1 and 2 but the Toyotas did well. I really enjoyed the other classes of racing. The sleep deprivation and adrenanlil pumping through the drivers to keep going for 24 hours makes for good viewing. As for Robert and his long holiday ahead, well we can only see where that leads, maybe a drivers licence and student card then the cherry on the top, results to go to Uni?
Susan is at Yoga and Sam is asleep, I take the oppurunity to catchup on the last few weeks. Mark's and Granny Junes birthday tomorrow, always been one to remember and I hope we will never forget Granny June but we are here celebrate the living and I hope Mark you have a wonderful day. I know work will get in the way but I am sure between your Mum and Travis you will be spoilt. I think I can take the liberty of wishing you a happy birthday from all of us and I will try and get hold of you.
Michael is getting over his stomach bug and has flown to Ho Chi Ming and then on to a very exotic looking island for a few day surfing. From his photo he sent it is easy to see why this island hold so much attraction. Hard life these students live but they do make their own adventures, that is what we would expect from young men at the top of their profession. It is hard to believe that he has been there for 4 weeks already and has his last week to surf and chill.
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