To life I surrender myself

To life I surrender myself in complete trust and you give me back myself, I am your servant in love and devotion. Such thought, such belief in nature. I was really moved by this lady who decided to go back to nature and have her baby in a stream in the middle of a forest in Canada. You can google her on YouTube or Facebook, not sure now. We are still infants when it comes to what the power of how nature can inspire. The awesome power of nature will surprise all for eternity. When we see Michael on those exotic islands, unspoilt, well in a western world perspective, so much virgin beach, clear water and humble people, not realising the treasure world they are living in.

I believe in love, without true love we just exist. Until you find the love you've missed
you're nothing. When you walk, let your heart lead the way and you'll find love. My feeling of inspiration on this 63rd birthday. I must concede it was an exceptional occasion, Warwick Castle and the Night at the Proms in the Castle grounds. Meeting very good friends of mine at the hotel and then the divine Susie Pie sorting out VIP tickets for them as well. A night of all the universally favourite classics, finishing with those great national anthems, inspiring stuff. Mark and Helen also gave me a t-shirt with the slogan saying 'Old Guys Rule' and under that 'A real standup guy', also a bottle of red wine from SE Australia, which topped it all. Thank you to all those who sent me greeting one way or another, really appreciate the thoughts.

David Gary Dickens took on his vows in Australia, a christening said to have been full of joy and happiness. I say this as I received an invitation to this christening but was unable to make it and would have loved to have been there. I have attached a great photo sent with the invite which I am sure you will all agree is just beautiful. 
