For those that are keen to hear about our garden, which is now 18 months in the making, seems just like yesterday we slaved away to try and transform a gravel pit into a garden. The sweet potatoes have not done too well, better to have bought a pack for 69p from Aldi. The potatoes and tomatoes seem to be thriving, hopefully they do not get late blight or some other nasty bug. Thinking about it I must get some more t-shirts, Susan has commented more than once on the state of the old collars, they did me well but it is time for them to be thrown away.
Well with the sunshine and warmer times I suppose I will be hearing the odd comment about when are we going to have a BBQ again, tomorrow I will take the old BBQ out and give it a good cleaning and then hope for rain so I can carry on cooking on my beautiful gas stove. Rain, we have had quite a few storms lately and as you can see from the photo I have attached, I have just managed to avoid being drenched while walking Samuel.
This has been a funny old week, managed to achieve a reasonable amount of work but being a short week, Friday did come around rather quickly. Oh well there is next week and for that matter the week after, do not want to plan too far ahead at this time of my life.
When you are old and grey and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down a book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
Talking of slowly, my running is improving now that I have banished my chesty cough after what seemed like months. Last weekend we ran twice, Saturday and Monday, the bank holiday of which I have already had my say.
Robert has one more exam to go and he is finished his first year at Uni, got a pleasant surprise as one of the essays he wrote is going to be published in the Uni journal. From the sounds of it, it is quite an achievement, well done Rooboobs.
Susan seems to do more travelling then work and has got use to working on the train as opposed to the office. She is complaining that it is quite exhausting, but there are big changes coming, so hopefully for her, things will settle down. On top of all the changes her PA has been off having a operation, bad timing for Susan but I suppose well planned for her.

Well that is all for now, thank you Russell for you in depth comments and to all the people I do not know who read this blog, thank you, I hope you enjoy this little ramble.
Nice....I see Bournemouth are playing Premier League so when Manchester United come play i want to visit...but getting tickets could be a problem...O sorry forgot this is a blog and not about other stuff......
ReplyDeletePlease its a braai !!! BBQ is some pansy thing other countries try do
ReplyDeleteMiss you guys
ReplyDeleteWell it is about burning good meat but some have a love for it, it is said.
ReplyDeleteIt's an art...heathens (and Pom's) burn the meat...:)