What can I say, new hotel in Windsor and we are the tester. Perks of the job as Susan was invited to a free night in the new hotel. Yes there was some issues but you can see why Susan loves the company she works for. They stick to their objective and entertain the children, all the time, children's theme music blasted from Bose speakers. Lego models and figures adorn the park, even while we were enjoying dinner, they entertained the children with magicians and balloon twisters.

Room was very themed, as you can see from the photo I have so kindly shared with you. Legoland looked new and clean and the rides took Robert's and Susan's fancy, I decided that the better part of valour was just to watch, can not be too careful these day. One irritating point, I am sure has now been rectified, was that there was no room instructions, you know the ones I am talking about. How to operate the TV, fridge and getting hold of reception. Having no idea how to set the air conditioner, was a bit of a nightmare, 20deg C, we were essentially in a sauna. That said, we are seasoned travellers and just soaked up the discomfort, rising with a longing for fresh air and the great outdoors. Great place for children, but the more mature among us, this is one hotel that is best avoided.
Talking of Susan and her work, her team is off to Canada for a week. As she has never been to Canada, it is something she is really looking forward too. One point that does puzzle me, there are no Merlin Entertainment Attractions in Canada. I do believe her desire to visit Canada has added to the motivation of this team trip. Casual mention of kayaking, yoga, trekking and banquet BBQ has been overheard, we wish her and her merry bunch of travellers, a productive and fruitful trip.
To infinite and beyond, going were Merlin has never gone before.

Room was very themed, as you can see from the photo I have so kindly shared with you. Legoland looked new and clean and the rides took Robert's and Susan's fancy, I decided that the better part of valour was just to watch, can not be too careful these day. One irritating point, I am sure has now been rectified, was that there was no room instructions, you know the ones I am talking about. How to operate the TV, fridge and getting hold of reception. Having no idea how to set the air conditioner, was a bit of a nightmare, 20deg C, we were essentially in a sauna. That said, we are seasoned travellers and just soaked up the discomfort, rising with a longing for fresh air and the great outdoors. Great place for children, but the more mature among us, this is one hotel that is best avoided.
Talking of Susan and her work, her team is off to Canada for a week. As she has never been to Canada, it is something she is really looking forward too. One point that does puzzle me, there are no Merlin Entertainment Attractions in Canada. I do believe her desire to visit Canada has added to the motivation of this team trip. Casual mention of kayaking, yoga, trekking and banquet BBQ has been overheard, we wish her and her merry bunch of travellers, a productive and fruitful trip.
To infinite and beyond, going were Merlin has never gone before.
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