Christmas Eve: This can be an a motive topic and will bring out the best and worst of us, especially if you have the misfortune of irritating, boring or down right obnoxious family who you only see at Christmas. This can try the patience of the best of us. Th old saying, you can pick your friends but not your family.
I can gladly say we are not going to be burdened with anything like that this year. Victoria and Robert will be joining Susan and I for this years Christmas celebration. Obviously there is the dog, but in all fairness he is like having a over excited child around, Robert knows how to deal with that. I am sure his nose will be taking in all the food smells and a big part of the day will be hoping for a mere morsel or two, no begging, Susan does not do begging.
We have a traditional walk on the beach on Christmas morning. Normally just get up and have our morning coffee, me anyway, Susan has a slice of lemon in hot water. In the days gone bye the children would open their Christmas stocking presents, yes those that Santa brought and then we go down to the beach for our walk and the family portrait, another tradition.
Christmas Day: This year we set off in a light rain but the rain had stopped by the time we got there and the walk was good, a little windy but JB had a game or two, knocked someone over and we came home to breakfast and then the exciting time of handing out gifts. It was quite strange but we were talking to Michael on Face Time and he is also in the picture if you look closely at the iPhone.
Just a fact about today, in AD 336 Christmas was first celebrated on the 25th.
Hope your Christmas has been as good as mine and you have a wonderful New Year full of your hope and dreams.
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