We cannot help been bombarded by the news on the Women Suffragettes. They do have a very good point, it was only in 1948, did Oxford University allow women to receive a degree. All those years ago the college professors, scientists and academia staff, all men, were of the opinion that women were inferior to men. We trust the so called experts, you feel they are well read and have researched and studied the subject throughly. How wrong can they be? They have their views, just like the rest of us and they can be wrong in so many ways.

This so called trust in the experts is what is bothering me. They are not doing themselves any favours when it come to climate change, too many conflicting views there. Brexit is another example of the experts getting it all wrong. What does worry me is that, they are the people who the politicians look to when negotiating our withdrawal from the EU.
With facts being freely available we need to make our own informed opinions, but alas this takes time and we are creatures of habit, easily side tracked into more topical matters. Brexit was one of those decisions that the leavers made with one objective, put a stop to EU citizens coming here for work. The other ramifications were never considered.
Just back from a challenging walk with JB? The beach is made for going to, but on a cold, wet and windy day, it does look better looking back. The sand can sting your eyes and thinking of that, your eyes may water but I have found it is only people that make you cry.
Home is where you want to be heading after just such a walk, gone are the dreams of a leisurely walk, with the sun on your face and the music of the sea in your ear. Having a dog does sometimes get me out in the foulest of weathers and this is the beauty of them, as I would have never experienced snow on my face, hands too cold to hold the lead, fumble for car keys buried deep in a soggy jacket.
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