We are into the third day of being marooned at home and I am getting cabin fever, so the trusty Zafira will be going where not even the number 5 bus will go. Jenson is beginnings to chase his tail, yep it is time to venture out. I am writing these words hoping they will not be our last. If we never come back, I hope, whoever finds this, will pass it onto my children.
We will be making for the beach and hopefully Jenson will get a run and we can breath in fresh air and then onto a coffee shop for that much missed americano and cake. The journey will be fraught with danger at every turn, but they say it is not about the destination but the journey, I will keep that in mind while going gentle through the snow and ice. I will have my iPhone and will record the journey and hopefully bring you good news of a world out there, free of snow and ice.
Be brave and strong...I've heard they have dispatched the St Bernard's for travellers marooned in the snow and ice