I have always said that any story, movie or photo should take you on a journey, makes you feel something. Robert was going through a list of movies that was on a list of must see films. Some we had seen, some we had heard about and some he did describe for us. Not many I have missed and those that I have, did not really have any type of story to tell. Die Hard a film in question, not much of a story, loads of violence and action but a story, no.
I am more inclined to the traditional story. Start with an introduction and set up the storyline, take you slowly into a false sense of security and then add a obstacle, which gets resolved, preferable in a happy way and then, for added benefit, they kiss (Susan loves a good kiss).

After all the excitement of the car wash, we set off to optometrist, yearly eye test. Well that was an outing, not much goes on here so we were ready at 12 noon and then we realises the appointment was for 15:00. Really Susan, you read the appointment times. Well we were definitely on time and the optometrist was eagerly awaiting our arrival and we did not have to wait long to be told my eyes are getting to be a challenge for the NHS. I did need more powerful lenses and of course new frames. Why do I feel this is going to cost me a lot of money?
What frame would you like? Really there are at least 500 frames on display and it is 4pm, your store closes at 5pm, how on earth can I decide what frame I would like in the short amount of available time left to me?
Does it fit on the bridge properly? What? Sound like something from Star Trek. Where is my bridge? Top of you nose. Those do not fit on the bridge properly, why not try these?
Hang on a minute, those are £ 380.00, those that do not fit my bridge are only £ 130.00, is it not cheaper to have my bridge changed?
All these options are masterfully manipulated while our glasses are off and we are driving blind into this financial minefield. Susan on the other hand did not need new glasses but picked out a new pair anyway and that is what I call women's intuition. Trendy glasses with a hint of romance but not forgetting her station in life. Mine turned out to be old fashion round frames, quite expensive, but hopefully will be less challenging for the NHS and the optometrist. Why, I ask, does one have to manage the people who should be advising you?
It all ending quite amicably, they took an extraordinary amount of money out of my fragile credit card and then did the same for Susan, everyone was happy. I do feel I have been duped into something I might regret?

As the sun sets, reflecting on the roofs of the cars one can only marvel at this wonderful world we live in and thankfully the Polish are there to do a proper task and that Boots have taken my money, thereby helping them to deliver the service that James Boots inspired when he opened his first store.
Did you see the painting Mika did on the back of her Armani jacket, that was good, no beating around the bush, it was very good. Does remind me of the times when Mark was going through the teenage years and always had earphones in his ears, where else, and did the most amazing drawings of super cars. Those two have artistic talent, where are the Victorians when we need them? They would sponsor that talent and who knows, another Van Gogh might come out of it.
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