The way we are manipulating our language to serve a specific purpose is becoming must more difficult to fathom.
Take for example the word 'hard' as in hard Brexit. When we hear that we automatically think there must be another alternative. In this case there is, soft Brexit. Sound more appealing, but if the original person who termed it hard Brexit was doing it on purpose then he or she has achieved their goal. Listening to a language professor on Radio 4 a few days ago, she explained that the original expression 'a hard Brexit' came from the porn connotation. Whether they realised that, we will never know but I am more comfortable with a soft Brexit, as it feels as though we will not be too effected by leaving the EU.
I was watching a TV commercial the other day and did not get it at all, in fact I was not meant to as it was not aimed at me. Robert did and thought it was great.
I find there are times I can not explain a thought or an idea properly. Writing it down seems to give me the freedom to think it through and sometimes a better explanation is engineered by using the correct words and phrases. Robin Thompson, an author of numerous historical books, always said that as a wordsmith you need to have the right tools. Words are not enough, it is the true meaning of the words we need to understand. I did a creative writing course with him and still follow him on his blog, quite fascinating the way he users words.
I am finding it difficult at the moment to write any thing factual in the new websites we are doing. Camping site, Marquee Hire or Museums, all leaving me scratching my head for good content. My problem is I do not know enough about the subject to write anything meaningful and informative. In the future I must allocate at least a day to understand their business properly and then hopefully I will be better informed to write their content.
Fiction on the other hand comes too easily for me and my book is cracking on a treat, in fact I expect a finished draft by the end of the year. Just need some clever people to proof it for me before I decide to publish. Any volunteers?
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