Weekends and their Surprises

It was the Sunday afternoons and this is were I can cope. That great feeling of rest which starts to set in at about 2.55, when you know that you’ve had all the walks and outing you can usefully have that day, that however hard you try, you just want to get home, to that long dark teatime of the soul.
The air was clear and scented, the breeze brushes the grass and the birds were chirruping at each other, there are no butterflies. I really like the odd butterfly to ponder my garden, but nature seemed to be conspiring to be as pleasant as it possibly could. I have just fed the birds with the recommended National Trust, wild bird feed, but I am not sure that had anything to do with it.

I read about the knack of flying. "The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.’  That explains the bruiser on my knees and elbows. That comes from the Hitchhikers Guide to somewhere, worth a read if you feel like giving yourself a break from War and Peace.

Susan was busy in the garden today, cutting the lawn and watering the flowers. Before all that, we did a trip to Poole to buy some clothes for Susan. On Monday Susan will be meeting a Chinese delegation and then on to a formal dinner. What to wear? As we were going to Poole to buy clothes for her to wear, she took the opportunity to buy some clothes to wear, with the Chinese in mind.

Today has been on the warm side and I am not sure how I will cope with the warm night to follow. Our houses are not designed to be cool. I can only say this is one of those nights that I will count those pesky sheep and hope for the dawn. Talking of the dawn, it is sunrise at about 5:15 and if it as warm as I expect it to be, then Jenson and I will be on the beach really early.
The air is still scented but there is no breeze and nature seems to be conspiring to make for a hot spell over the next few day. 
