Fetching and other problems

Jenson behaved himself quite exemplary today on the beach, so I told him I am going to lift the ban on farting. We still have to overcome his continual reluctance to fetching. The word fetch, still does not resonate with him, maybe retrieve, will stimulate a more responsive note.

There are only two passion fruit flowers out tonight, maybe my eyes are tired after a long day in front of the computer. Two is all I see and they say if the Passion Fruit stops flowering, lean times are ahead. Just so I am not going mad, see for yourself. I know Angela, your Australian flowers are bigger and there is more of them but then that is all I ask for you to admire.

Hacking and cyber crime is on the increase, good for my business but bad for our world of the Internet. Why do we create such a wonderful tool and allow it to be corrupted by explorers. This is something we can stop, every hackers has a family, if that family just stopped there sons or, God forbid daughters, from getting involved with these people who cast a shadow lower then the common snail. We can collectively beat them. Rise up, rise up, fight for your freedom. In saying that, I would be very weary of your government and their so called big daddy approach. Most politicians are very inept to making the most basic of decisions. Most civil servants are mentally retarded. It is all up to us.

On a lighter note, I am having meat balls in a tomatoes and pepper sauce with tagliatelle and a small salad on the side. Michael and Angela this is a game changers when it come to getting good food into your tummy. If you are interested email me and I will send you the recipe. Liberty, I have sent you the recipe already. Thank you for the lovely photo of you and your daughter, you both look so happy. I showed Tamacgor you photo and Tamacgor has decided it is time for a visit to Alaska. 

Susan is coming home tomorrow, I have missed her over the last few days. It does make me think. Though all my years and my failings, she believed in me, if truth be told, I had lost my believe many times but she never gave up and always listened to me, even when I started the story over again. It will be good to see her again and be with her. Oh, and the bonus is that Robert is coming with her, happy days. Now I wonder if I should tell Liberty that Robert is wanting to go to Canada, that is so, very close to Alaska.

In passing, there are a few comments not in keeping with the spirit of this blog of mine. I ask you to look at this final photo and tell me what you see? I notice you said nothing. That is the difference between you and me.


  1. Thats a spectacular photo! Looks like a square hole in a bunch of green.

    2 weeks to go till the whole family leaves me...hopefully I'll be able to follow asap. Keep the blogs coming.


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