
Rumour has it that Susan can get very angry, hard to believe but where there's smoke there's fire. It is also said that Robert enjoying watching Movies 24 and Movies 24+. I know, who would of thought it but then he has had to watch what we watch and has obviously taken a liken to the happily ever after films, that are currently on our viewing list.


Where has the summer gone, Storm Ali is set to reach the top of Scotland by late tonight and we are expecting rain and high winds in Dorset. Reality will be very different. Weather forecasting is one of those hit and miss sciences that quite frankly could do with some research. I still think the farmers of yesteryear did better. It is said they felt it in their bones, I would imagine they were better in tune with nature and knew the patterns of weather.

The one thing I have learnt living in the UK, no matter the weather, get out and have a walk. We think that because it is raining we can put it off but your couch will be there when you get back and it will feel more comfortable. Jenson takes me out in all weathers and I am better for it, I get soaked, wind blown and have bad hair days. All worth it and he is totally unaware of the sometimes trying conditions.

The wind is strong at the moment and it reminds me of Russell, my brother. We took him for a walk with Sam on Branksome beach many years ago. It was about 6 deg C but the wind factor created a feeling of it being much colder. He moaned the whole way, in a good natured way but maybe in hindsight we should have stayed in the comfort of our lounge. Must find out when he is coming this way again, it is time to enjoy a pint or two together. I did send him a card on his birthday but the mail is so unreliable in Africa, that I am sure it ended in landfill, once the person who opened it realised there was no money in it.

Just to fill full my promise to let you know how the Jewellery Course went. As can be seen from the bracelets and certificate it was a huge success. Susan passed with a 1st Class Honours (mentioned on the Dean's list), sadly one of her friends Lady Viv was not so well rewarded, rumour has it she is asking for a remark.


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