He only truly got out that habit when I bought him his first Psion handheld computer. Life moved on at a pace for him after that, he saw the first CD's and then the DVD. Laptops emerged and mobile phone can out and over the years have become mini computers, replacing in some cases, the need for a computer. Rumour has it that he now has 2 mobile phones and has been seen using them simultaneously. He also makes his bed in the morning!
He is what one would call a modern man. Married with the standard 1.78 children, actually has 3, but has vowed that is enough. Before his midlife crisis he owned a house, complete with mortgage and 2 cars. Top paying job with shares in the company and rides a bicycle very quickly. Now he has a new adventure, complete with teenagers and dreams, I quite envy him and his journey.
Talking of times when one is born, Susan was born in 1962. The time between the banning of the book, Lady Chatterley's Lover and the Beatles. I was born in 1951, really the start of the Cold War. Others born then were Robin Williams, the great actor. Sting, part of the band the Police and least we forget, Luciano Pavarotti was becoming one of the best tenors the world has ever heard.
Happy Birthday to all those born on the 9th October 1978
Thanks Dad!! Good blog as usual