Now you might ask, what about Jaffa cakes, are they biscuits or cake? The Jaffa Cake is my daughters favourite. The simplest way of knowing if it is a biscuit or a cake is to work out if it gets hard/stale when it gets older or soft? Cakes generally get harder the older they get but biscuits get softer. To answer your question about Jaffa cakes, they are cakes as they do get harder as they get older. Kit Kat is also a biscuit, I always thought it was a chocolate.
Well it felt a bit like that last night. I was expecting Gary to come around for a beer while Dan was at cricket practise, beats standing in the cold. Upstairs changing when I heard someone arrive, well it was probably Gary, no, Michael and Kate. Their washing machine does not work, so ours is the closest and the best. Strange that, they have just moved into a new build and already the washing machine has gone on the blink. The lift did not work when they moved in and now this.

Changing the subject completely but did you know ‘biscuit’ get its name from the Latin “biscoctum”, meaning “twice cooked.” Bread was cooked twice to dry out all its moisture and then, once hard, it would keep for months. The biscuit was born. Actually it was in the 19th century that the first biscuits became popular.
The first world war saw the mass acceptance of biscuits and our love for a good biscuit has not diminished over the years. I have a few favourites but if I had the choice I would go for a Romany Cream biscuit every time. Sadly, not available in the UK.
Trust the Americans to be different, they have a type of cake and call it a biscuit (left) and a bourbon, a variety of British biscuit (right) – the American biscuit is soft and flaky like a scone; whereas British biscuits are drier and often crunchy.
Burger night last night was slightly changed to Mexican fare. Middle Smiths arrived too a banquet of soft tacos and enchiladas, baked in the oven with loads of cheese. Amicable banter flowed like the red wine and before long, Claudia let her guard down, must have been the red wine, the poo word was mentioned. Would not be quite the same if we did not discuss poo at the dinner table, sort of breaking with tradition. Bless her, she is my favourite daughter-in-law, and the mention of poo at the dinner table I think is an Italian thing.
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