Piracy Crimes

Steven King and Lisa King were given a combined total of 9 years for internet piracy, one of the longest sentences ever for piracy crimes. The couple denied all charges and are appealing. They also received a fine of £35,000. They have a B&B in London and claim they cannot police their guests that use their Wifi. The judge sympathised with them but reminded them that the law clearly states they are responsible for the piracy, as their provider had already warned them and had given them software to stop the illegal downloading of film and games from the internet. 
Steven King was given 6 years and Lisa King was given 3 years suspended sentence on condition the fine is paid within 30 days.

On investigation the police found only 4 computer IP addresses which had downloaded the films and games, 2 of the computers were on the premises at the time of their arrest. The prosecution argued that they belonged to the Kings and must have had knowledge of how to find these illegal sites.
"The message is clear really - you will go to prison if you commit crimes like this," Kieron Sharp, the Director General of anti-piracy organisation Fact told reporters.

I am all for it, today they just watching movies or playing games but tomorrow they could be going deeper into cyber crime and ultimately become hackers. 

Talking of crimes, war crimes actually. It is often the case that the crimes of a few are shouldered by the large community. Take the German Nazi for example, the Germans became the enemy to the rest of the western world. Even though comparatively few committed the war crimes, we all blamed the Germans and it took the world a long time to forgive them for something the average German had no control of. 

Similarly the Muslims are experiencing the same tape of hatred. The New Zealand shooter shows the lengths some will go to, targeting those who, on the surface are law abiding citizens, as the enemy. I am afraid this will go on and on until the radical Muslims are taken out or sorted out by the Muslim community. We have Muslim preachers who are radicalising young people, all in the name of some religion, only they believe in. Tolerance works both ways, if you are radical, then do not be surprise when other radicals turn against you.
