The Word Silly

The original meaning was: Blessed with worthiness. Reminds me of Susan. Silly hasn't always meant somebody who acts in a daft manner. It originally meant something far more serious. The word's journey started around the 1200, then it meant 'pious'. That changed quite quickly and by the other end of the 13th century, it meant ‘someone to be pitied’.
From my research I notice it changing again in 1570, it was defined as 'feeble in mind and lacking in reason'. It did take 300 years to get there, things did take time to change in those pre iPhone era.
Jumping another 300 years, 1860, the newspaper would have a 'silly season'. This was when the news was slow and they invented silly articles each summer. Thinking about it, those silly stories would have turned out quite different if the original meaning had stuck.

Talking about ‘Blessed with worthiness’, Susan is off to Iceland to support the team that will be releasing two Beluga Whales into a protected bay as part of the Merlins policy of not having performing animals at their Sea Life centres. The staff of Sea Life Trust have been preparing the whales for their 30 hour journey to Westman Island in Iceland
The is a challenge to transporting two  beluga whales by air, land and sea. The whole operation is being carefully planned by a team of global experts with experience in transporting marine mammals. The 6,000-miles journey will take around 30 hours to complete - from the time Little Grey and Little White leave Changfeng Ocean World in Shanghai and arrive at the sanctuary on Westman Island. 

They leave by truck for the airport and then they are flown to Iceland by a specially prepared cargo plane. They then have a long journey in another truck and finally into a ferry that will take them to the ocean sanctuary. Merlin Entertainments owns the Sea Life aquarium chain and recently bought Ocean World, do not believe belugas and other cetaceans belong in captivity. 
This will be the first time that captive beluga whales have ever been released to an ocean sanctuary.

Let’s all hold thumbs for these two beautiful whales as they will soon start their epic journey to unknown waters. 


  1. Good for Merlin
    Probably a few other things they could release but good for them


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