Susan is on a colour run, a run where they throw coloured powder at you, creating a kaleidoscope of colour, but that is not the right word, maybe a dappled of light colour shades.
Official description. “The Color Run, also known as "the happiest 5,000 meters on the planet", is an event series and five kilometer paint race.”
Well I am sure she will come back with a smile and a dash of paint colouring her hair.
Talking about happiness and the world in general. I came across this comment by an unknown author and thought it appropriate in the light of the colour run.
I have not lost hope, because true hope never dies, that one day, be it tomorrow, or a thousand years after, mankind around the planet, will one day hold hands together, and stop killing each other.
Michael and Kate are off to Portugal, yes I know, it is another holiday. Poor darlings are exhausted, Michael and Kate have not had anytime off for at least 8 weeks. Let’s all hope they relax and re-energise before taking on the next few weeks of work.

We have had all our bank holiday weekends for the foreseeable future. The plus side for the children, they go on summer holidays in about a months time. I did say a plus for the children, for the parents it could be a long 8 weeks. Talking of a long time, Mika finishes her GCSE examinations this week and is off until the beginning of September.
Now that I think about it, Kate will be off for the summer holidays, being a supply teacher does have its perks. Mika and Kate could organise something to fill all those boring weeks, without school to stimulate them. A step too far? You probably right, cannot see Kate spending days practicing makeup and looking through women’s clothing shops.
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