How has this come about, just the other day it was summer. With November comes the rain and it is not disappointing us this year. The very unreliable weatherman has forecast high wind and rain for most of the month. Today being no exception, rain and wind accompanied our walk this morning. To be fair, Jenson does not mind the rain but is a little cautious of the wind, sand in his eyes as he is closer to the sand than we are.
Talking of Jenson, last Sunday a dog came out of the blue while we were walking on the beach and had a go at Jenson. Bit me in the process, not too bad but enough. We are unfortunate to have weekend or holiday dog walkers who bring their unsociable, untrained dogs to the beach. It always happens in the holidays or over a weekend when the weather is warm and sunny. At these times you cannot be too careful.
Must admit this week walking on the beach has been a cautious affair, my confidence was blown a little, every dog I did not recognise put me back a bit. Happily, all those we encountered were socialised and friendly. Funny how we see the dark side when for 18 years I have walked that beach and it has never been a threat, more of an anchor. One nasty moment and you do see every day, a little different.
It did teach me one valuable lesson, be more dog. As soon as we walked away from the fight, he found another dog to play with and the whole episode was forgotten in a matter of seconds. I am still working out ways in my head to get revenge. I must be more dog.

Less than two months to Christmas, what to buy Susan? She will have her new car by then, maybe a car cleaning kit? No, the car wash is cheap and we have a quiet coffee while waiting. Cloths are not an option, perfume, I would not know where to start, maybe a cleaning lady to come in once a week and give the house the once over? Thinking about it, it would be great if they could do the ironing as well as the house. Worth looking into, and as we might be in a new house, their job would be easier.
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