The Weather, Trees and Santa

Went to Wimborne to do some shopping and came across the Christmas Fair just closing off. Steam engines and very old cars where just some of the attractions. Particular impressive was the loading of the steam engine onto a low bed trailer. The interesting part was the steam engine could not drive up the incline onto the trailer from a standing start. They positioned it in line with the trailer and then winched it on. No mean feat as that steam engine is very heavy. The winch operator used some choice language when the engine started turning to the right, well I say choice language, more like language that would make a docker, not just blush but reconsider his position on the wharf and take up holy orders.

Dragon breath, in for a cold night with frost I would imagine. Went outside to lock the garage and the stars were out, going to be a clear night. One of the gems of taking your dog out late at night, you see the sky, feel the air and appreciate the stillness. Well with a clear sky we can expect frost in the morning, car windscreens to defrost and the thermals on to keep the icy breeze at bay. Love this time of the year.

The best time to plant a tree is now. Well, not really, that is the second-best time, the best time was 20 years ago. Anyway just plant it, you might not be around in 20 years but the bird's will and they will be grateful. My Mother was always planting trees, in South Africa their life is short. Firewood burns one fire and the indigenous people are not tree planters. She did have hope and that is why she planted trees. 

It is amazing that we have managed to survive all our adventures, real or imaginary. Susan and I have had a few adventures, not enough really, but that is my fault as I do not have a passport. Our life has been a journey spanning 30 years now and it seems like it was just yesterday we met. Some of our adventures have been extraordinary, to say the least. I remember leaving Johannesburg after midnight to visit Hluhluwe–Imfolozi Park Game reserve some 6 hours way. Not wanting to waste daylight hours we arrived early to go on our first game drive by 10am. Well, we did arrive early only to fall asleep after breakfast. We did wake to 3 rhinos grazing outside our chalet.

Just to finish off, we did have frost and -1.5 deg C. There was a silver lining, the sun was out by 10am and I had a great walk with JB. Funny with the sun out I did not mind the rather brisk breeze coming off the sea, it is at times like that, that you feel good to be alive.

Remember, Christmas is coming.

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
