Well, contrary to popular belief he actually lives in Brazil, I know because all the presents come from Amazon. Do you find there is a lot of whining going on at Christmas, mainly red wine? No, seriously Gary and Susan have a very spiritual Christmas, in their case whiskey and gin. Also, that story of the wise men, 3 wise men, are you serious? Finally, I overheard someone say, ‘I'm so excited it's Christmas a little bit of wee came out!’
Adolescences, long, involved word for someone going from being a child to becoming an adult. What it really means is that it is the time they experiment with their sexuality. I am always amused when you hear of two 16-year-olds of the opposite sex studying in the room. Parents tell themselves that they are studying, well they are but just not what you want to believe. Why am I telling you this now? Well, Daniel has finally got a girlfriend and at 14 they will be on a journey of discovery. I really hope they enjoy it and take it slowly, life can be harsh. I think some condoms, discreetly left in his cupboard, will give some added protection. We had french letters in the bathroom, topped them up every now and again. I am sure that saved us the embarrassment of a little unwanted Smith running around before his time.
Talking of unwanted Smiths, Robert is down with his unwanted germs. Yep, that health fanatic has a bad cold and is contaminating the house, germs everywhere. Must admit it is good to see him again, his work does keep him away for most of the year.
We were going to see the Christmas lights at Kingston Lacy, but the rain is set to be heavy and the wind strong. Story of the last weeks, it does seem like it has rained for 30 days and 30 nights already, just need to build the ark. Getting back to the Christmas Lights, it is a magical stroll through the gardens, all lite up in different colours and decorations. Maybe tomorrow.
In the end, Susan is going eco-friendly and wrapping all her presents in recyclable brown paper with a stamped message. We did have one Christmas when Susan forgot to put the names on the presents, most amusing in the end but the boys were a little confused
Merry little Christmas to all the Smiffs on Mud Island..have a lovely family Christmas