Robert has been accepted into Bath University and will be reading Applied Psychology and Behavioural Economics. Needless to say, he is very excited and is financially prepared for this awesome year ahead of him, a great position to be in. He loves both those subjects and you could almost say he will be studying for pure enjoyment. I have always wondered what you do with psychology if not apply it!
I did not know Bath is the largest city in Somerset. It was named after its Roman-built baths. Robert also said that the city is a World Heritage site. Anyway, he will be closer to home, so hopefully, we will see more of him this coming year.
You have probably heard about the Coronavirus and the number of people that are involved, not only those ill, in quarantine or self-isolating. The authorities are having a field day supposedly protecting us and slowing down the epidemic when they actually have no idea what they are doing. God help us from politicians and civil servants, they will just make it worse. A good friend of mine put a FB post out, everyone is getting involved with this virus which has killed just over 3000 people worldwide in the last 5 weeks. Sounds bad but when you consider one child dies every second from hunger, that is serious but then rich people will not die from hunger, so it is not that important a news item.
Funny place this world of ours. Take the panic buying and it is mostly pasta, tinned food and loo paper. Also anti-bacterial hand wash of course. That is just mad but then we have a politician who states that they, the government, is working with the major supermarkets to make sure there is no shortage of food. That is good, well if it was true, but a spokesman for the supermarkets says they have never heard of this plan. He says the MP is making it all up. How can we ever be expected to trust our politicians if they just say what they think we want to hear. When will they ever start telling the truth?
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