In ramblings, I do mean getting out there and going for a walk. Due to the government’s advice on social distancing, we have done all our socialising outdoors. This is not actually new for us as we walk the dog most weekends but now more than ever, we will be listening to the advice.
Actually thinking about social distancing, that sounds so wrong. Physical distancing yes, we must use all the social media to get together in these physical distancing times. Catch up with old friends you were always too busy to have the time. No, my friends, social engagement is right and physical distancing is the correct term for keeping everyone at least 2 m away.

I started with a morning walk on the beach, a little windy and overcast but pleasant enough. Susan was meeting the girls for the last walk together before that distancing thing came in force, not too responsible but good for their sanity.
As Sandbanks is now closed, physical distancing rears its ugly head again, we had breakfast at home and then joined the Middle Smith’s, Michael and Kate at Kingston Lacy for a long walk. Cloud gazing, Heffalump searching and obstacle courses ticked off the list. The gardens are really embracing the magic of spring and the cherry trees gave light to the woods.

Sunday we did our traditional Sunday walk on the beach and then walked around the heath in the afternoon. More doom and gloom in the television drove us to an early night.

We are now at home for the next 12 weeks and hopefully, this will give us a chance to catch-up on all those tasks we have been putting off for the last few years. In parting I want to ask you all to pray for the economy, this virus is destroying it. Time of austerity is upon us and I fear many will perish because of it.
With spring in tall tales, beyond the border and under a cloud laden sky, there could I marvel how the weather turned around. It turned away from cold and down the other air and the blue altered sky. Breathing again a wonder of spring, flowers, butterflies and returning migrant birds.

Talking of migrating birds, the swallow flies about 6000 miles south. Taking about 6 weeks and that my friends, is 150 miles a day. Now that is something to marvel and it only weighs 25 grams.
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