
Spring, well it is a much too energetic time of the year for me. Susan has ants in her pants and is currently mowing the lawn on our estate. I feel the need to let you all know this is one of those activities we must try and escape. We are semi self-isolating for the next foreseeable future, or until we get the all-clear from the Chief Medical Officer. Seems that there is a pandemic, not sure what that is all about. 

Spring is slowly creeping in from the south and I for one, am happy with that. Not too sure how I will feel later in the year when the sun tends to set very late and sunrise is always unsuitably early.  
 We are planning to give our garden a freshen up, with designated areas, flowers, vegetables and herbs. We are hoping to bring life and colour, combined with the scents all the different plants, transforming our garden into a little oasis to read, sleep and live in for the short 3 months that is our summer.  

Michael and Kate came around to bring Susan her mother day card and this is one of those cards you would not miss. The card tells the story.

Back to spring, time of new life, lambing and green pastures. Went into Tesco to do my daily shop for dinner and the aisles are slowly getting back to normal, makes me very happy to know those scumbag panic buying shoppers are now sitting with cupboards full of food they can now get off the shelf. I commented as much to the telly and she heartily agreed with me. She did ask how I am and I suddenly thought, that everyday question now takes on a whole new meaning, quite sinister really. I am fine. 
 I leave you with this well written, lament on the seasons and people. Seemed fitting, given what we are going through and the change in the season. 
 The Seasons will always turn, the clouds will gather and the cold will come.  We will survive them and grow regardless of the weather  We will know wonder, where there is despair  There will be happiness, and we will remember it They will be friendships, we won't forget Love is the constant whereby we endure all winters and all storms It is the climate where all things can thrive Welcome the darkness, embrace it, as a canopy  From which the stars can hang  For they are always stars when we are, we ought to be  Amongst the faces, we love best  Each with our place, each with our purpose  As fixed and familiar as the constellations Darkness is beautiful for how else can we shine  (Author unknown) 
