Walking on the beach tends to bring out the curious side of Robert and last night was no exception. Why do they call the left and right side of ships, Larboard (Port) and Starboard? There are four cruise liners anchored out on the channel and we noticed the buoys were flashing green and red. I did think that Port must have been the side they tied the ships on in the old days of sailing.
Wikipedia has this explanation.
The term starboard derives from the Old English steorbord, meaning the side on which the ship is steered. Before ships had rudders on their centrelines, they were steered with a steering oar at the stern of the ship on the right-hand side of the ship, because more people are right-handed.
Since the steering oar was on the right side of the boat, it would tie up at the wharf on the other side. Hence the left side was called port.
The Oxford English Dictionary cites port in this usage since 1543. Now we know, I do suppose the yachty fraternity would have known this but it is good to know when we next see a green light on a buoy, this means you pass it on your starboard, green side. Interesting, the US Navy changed larboard to Port in 1840, took them a while to catch up.
Nativity Plays
This dedication is for all those inspirational teachers out there. We watch a film on the difficulties a teacher had to put on a Nativity Play and this is just a shout to all you teachers that have to go through this every year. This tribute is for Anne, Angela and Kate, all members of our extended family, who are inspirational teacher, you are worth your weight in gold. Sorry Kate but your worth is slightly less as you are just a wee lass.
Talking of family, Mark has sent this thought-provoking photo titled ‘Dog under Table’, looks very still, hope the dog is alright. I must admit the weather does look appealing, just the right weather to enjoy smoked chicken and salad. I would boil a few new potatoes and toss them in garlic butter.
The bathroom is almost complete, just a little plastering and Susan’s painting and we all finished. The rain shower is fantastic and the concealed cistern flashes with gay abandonment. Gary laid the new floor and I have connected the new ceiling light, quite bright but then with all the white, silver and grey it sort of works.
Good blog!!