An interesting fact about our esteemed leader, Boris Johnson, he only changed his mind about Brexit after he realised he would never be the leader if he voted for to stay with David Cameron. His father has applied, successfully I might add, for a German passport and the ultimate Brexit supporter, Nigel Forage, has an Italian passport and so does his whole family. Why do I feel we have been lead down the garden path by a hidden agenda. Anyway, we have gone through a messy divorce and will now be a lot worse off because we have gullible masses who are just stupid. We have left the EU, why do I not hear clapping.
Today we took ourselves off to the beach to take of the morning air and for Susan and Robert, a swim. I must caution you, this is not for the inexperienced, -6 deg and a wee breeze. Michael joined us but alas not for a swim, as the boy is wise. This photo was taken after the swim.
Isn’t it odd, we can only see our outside and nearly everything happens on the inside.
Changing the subject, Lady Vivienne (LV) has just returned from South Africa, I know, who would want to go there, Lady Vivienne does and religiously visited her mummy on a yearly basis. LV has returned and now has to isolate for 14 days. As LV does, Fraser is there to hold her hand and see her through this arduous time. My thoughts go out to those carers who give their all for those they love.
New Year brings a new episode of The Doctor, ‘Revolution of the Daleks.’
With the Doctor imprisoned halfway across the universe, it is left to Captain Jack Harkness to help Graham, Yaz and Ryan stop a deadly Dalek takeover of planet Earth? Maybe we get the Doctor to take on the deadly coronavirus epidemic, the present bunch of fools are not getting anything right. They are not stopping the rate of infection and they are ruining the economy. Sometime in the future, we might all have had the vaccine but at what cost to the economy. No jobs, no money, no life.
Getting back to The Doctor, I have not watched the latest episode but will and give you feedback.
To bolder moves, we are having pork chops from the pig I bought. You remember I bought a pig from Mark Cook and have a deep freeze full of pork. This is an interesting problem, how does one cook thick pork chops and still retain their favour without overcooking them? I have called the pig Dumbo, fat and juicy, and full of flavour as Robert will testify. The photo I have taken tells the story. You are asking the question, are they tasty and juicy? Yep, every mouthful, a treat.
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