Ball of War

I have been thinking about our world and the insanely stupid people in it. With that in mind, I have realised that they are in the minority but very powerful. There is an expression that sums it up.

When the elephants fight it is the grass that suffers

War, why did we start? I suspect it is those stupid elephants, with no regard for the grass. 

I started a blog about Middle Earth, a world within a world, many years ago and would like to carry on in this theme as a means to get my message across about war.

Many will say that Middle Earth is all in my imagination, not so, you all have a Middle Earth waiting to be let out. My Middle Earth is something like the song and was born from me, wanting to close the door, turn on the heating and stay home. This is the beauty of Middle Earth, there is no fighting and dying.

With many of those I love, so far away, I cope by living in a world of my own. I build this world where only those I love can share and it has grown into a great community of friends and family, past and present, that I increasingly love so much.

When I ramble on again, spare a thought for what is behind this seemingly futile bit of writing and remember, where we are, and how good it would be, to be together.

Legend has it that before Middle Earth, before war, there was a sort of box in a faraway land. It was double-locked and bound with chains. On the box was a dusty label saying ‘do not touch; it’s war’.

The children understood and so did the mothers, sisters and grannies. The sad part was someone did open that box, spilling out all the tears and horrors and death that comes with war. Stupid people started throwing around this ball of war, not caring where it bounced or who it bumped. War was war and it was the children who it bumped, sometimes quite sore, hurting and killing.

The tales of war are told by some as their victory in great battles, full of glory, others tell of women and children starving and dying. We accept war and as long as it does not affect us, we largely ignore it. No one seems to want to save the children anymore, but save them we must. We have to save them so they can be children as long as they want. 

How we do that is up to all of us and our power of persuasion, stupid people who wage the war take a great deal of persuasion. 

Middle Earth is a short term safe place but even Middle Earth is not immune from that ball of war, eventually, it will come, if we do not stop war altogether.

Together we can put war back in the box and double lock it and wrap chains around it and label it ‘Do Not Open; it is War’.

This blog was inspired by a song  by John Denver called ‘The Box.’ 


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