It has been a funny old summer this time around, two weeks of very hot weather and then back to normality. Some will venture to say they have been robbed of summer, I disagree, I would say it was just enough. No one wants to wake at night too hot, bring on those snuggling into the duvet nights, happy in the knowledge you have another at the end of the bed.
As luck would have it, today is a mild day with long spells of sunshine. I have been swimming every day for over a month now and I am going to go as far as I can into the autumn and hopefully into the winter months. Robert and Michael are my partners with Gary showing an occasional appearance, he does run when we normally swimming. The water is still lovely once you get in and does refresh you for the afternoon, I am always more productive after a swim. Well as productive as I will ever be and that is a downwards slippery slope, so I take what I can get.
Our supermarkets are struggling to stock their shelves. Some blame the lack of HGV drivers, other blame Covid-19 and others blame the French.
If everyone who voted for Brexit would just think for a while, no HGV drivers because they cannot come and work here from Europe. Supermarket shelves are empty, with too much red tape to get the products into the country. This has also caused a fuel stampede, yes, the hordes are filling their car up and the Fuel tankers are battling to keep the forecourts stock.
This country will be going through some challenging times and the rest of the EU will be laughing. Has it stopped foreigners coming here, no, 2150 migrants were caught crossing the English Canal last week and that is only the ones they caught! Let us hope Boris and his cronies do not win the next election, it might be better with a coalition with the Liberal Democrat’s and the Labour Party than these idiots.
Enough moaning, we have better things to contemplate.
Saw some very low sports cars getting together at Sandbanks Carpark. I can’t get out of them, well not easy and it is undignified in a crowded car park and I would probably need help. But if I was given one I would make a plan. But there you go, if needs must, the devil drives.
Paul O Grady Sunday 19th Sep 17:00 Depress a mode sang ‘Can’t get enough. Is that the way you pronounce the band, Depress a Mode? Paul O Grady is getting Alpacas, yep three alpacas. They will get on well with his beavers and the foxes. Hoping to get 3 pregnant ones and have 6 soon. Anyway, I have found it, it is Depeche Mode, sounds a little like Depress a Mode! That reminds me of the Christmas of 2019, with most of the family walked Alpacas at Longthorns Farm.
Great pic! The fuel situation has become farcical, although Kate did remind me I have to drive to London tomorrow and didn’t check my fuel before the masses raided the stations 😂
ReplyDeleteIt's still going to be 19 today...just saying.
ReplyDeleteDepress mode 🤣🤣. David asked me to spell enot. As in “last enot least”. Being the good mother and teacher I am, I spelt it E N O T. He must be your grandson Pops!