Now is the winter of my content made glorious days by this sun early set.
And all the clouds that hide the sky in a deep blossom of grey.
Now is my head clear to think of ideas hung up to find.
My bruised mind cleared by crisp cold, changed to words found.
Frighting the souls of fearful adversaries, while warmed by a lady’s arm.
I don't see what's so triffic about creating people as people and then gettin' upset 'cos they act like people. - Terry Pratchet
This Sunday started just like most Sundays at Tarrant Close. We had our normal sleep in and then it was time to take Jenson for his walk and Susan for a swim. The gentle sun shining and then hiding behind the clouds, a fresh breeze was creating small waves in the harbour. The boats were bobbing on the water and the outside temperature was straining to reach 4 deg C, bracing is a word that comes to mind.
The madness is, Christmas is under twenty days away and are we prepared? Not by a long way, but these things tend to come right on the night, finger crossed, we will have a white Christmas.
Wreath making yesterday, with Kate coming in with the winning creation, followed closely by Claudia and Susan. Considering this was the first time Claudia actually made a wreath, we must applause her effort. One must remember, in South Africa, she would have sent Gary out to buy one, with instructions on size, colour and decorations. Kate, as you know is a teacher to little ones, so is quite the expert at crafting and creating, hers did have a flare of professionalism and rightly so.
Talking of festivities, it is the end of Hanukkah tomorrow the 6th December. Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish festival with the first day known as Chanukah, Festival of Lights, and Feast of Dedication. I did blog this last year and it is worth remembering people with other beliefs and celebrations. The Jewish faith has been around a long time and has, as with all alternative faiths, normal, orthodox and radical elements, but on the main is a peaceful, loving belief in God without the Jesus factor.
I do love their tradition of giving the children Hanukkah gelt, small coins or chocolate wrapped on silver paper, adding to the holiday excitement and keeping them occupied while the adults sing, eat and pray.
Happy Hanukkah to all those who believe.