Blue Monday

Is it a thing? Blue Monday is something that Michael spoke about on the beach just before he was about to swim, maybe to take his mind off the temperature of the water, who knows but it did make me a little curious. 

I suggested to him that I thought it was the day everyone received their credit card statements from their Christmas spend, now that would be a Blue Monday.

I looked it up and Wikipedia’s explanation sounded the most plausible; Blue Monday is the name given to a day in January (typically the third Monday of the month) to be the most depressing day of the year. They take a whole range of factors into account, long nights, the end of the festive break, weather and the stress of getting back to proper working again.

Scientists have dismissed the idea as baseless pseudoscience. What’s pseudoscience? Well, Wikipedia says; Pseudoscience consists of statements, beliefs, or practices that claim to be both scientific and factual but are incompatible with the scientific method. Now that’s one to use when texting.

You can make your own minds up about Blue Monday, Michael seems to think it is a thing, he has a degree, so is a learned man.

Winter has not really come our way yet and Susan is going for her daily swim at Sandbanks beach every morning, she did say the water is cold. Cold is a relative term and I would hazard an observation on the temperature of the water, mildly freezing. Other than the water being on the chilly side the wind has been light and we have had the odd sunny day. Maybe global warming has come early to the south of England. I do miss those very cold winters days when your cheeks sting from the breeze and you are thankful for your thermal long johns. 

England narrowly lost the Ashes down under and Boris is a party animal. Michael, Gary and I are thinking of producing a monthly podcast, music is going to be the first topic of conversation. Should be quite an experience and with a little back room editing, it just might be entertaining. Will keep you posted.

Stay safe.


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