This Muddy Island

They have forecast rain until September, this weekend floods challenge the South West and Northern Scotland, putting a damper on the ODI against Australia and the Grand Prix at Silverstone. I am now sitting at golf with the rain pouring down and some strangely fanatical golfers manly fighting through the weather to hit that little white ball as far as they can. Do they really enjoy it? Robert is under cover for his lesson so he should be dry.
I read a thought provoking story ‘A good friend’ recently and still wonder why when two people coming from the same environment and background turn out so different. Is it the adding of a partner or is it just different roads they take? Maybe we should let them have their space and hopefully life will have its own way of sorting it out. It is very hard to watch someone you love dancing to a different tune.
Russell has been staying at his game reserve over the last few weeks and loving it, long time in coming, makes the success so much sweeter. I have seen an out of focus shot of buffalo and cannot wait for some in focus photographs of the Lodge and Reserve.
We have found a new breakfast venue, Weatherspoon Pubs, serve an amazing breakfast at a reasonable price and we can all catch up. It is the one time when we all get together without telly or computers and just chat. There is the added beauty in that you can substitute your coffee for a pint, now that is what I call a good start to the day. Full English for £2.99, bargain. When you here again we will spoil you to breakfast at ‘Spoons’. Maybe we stay for lunch while gradually working our way through the vast selection of guest ale’s on offer.
Well the hour is over and Robert is dashing through the rain to the car, enjoy your weekend in Durban, hope your move goes well Angela, moving from Townsville to Perth this weekend. Happy birthday Matthew Charles Dickens, hopefully we will catch up over the weekend.


  1. Thanks Dad. In a hotel in Perth till the 20 th when our furniture arrives. Having fun exploring the city but missing the Ville and my friends! Chat tomorrow. X


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